Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Jul 5, 2022

2 min read

The Revenue Boosting Combo Of WiFi And Bookings Data

The Revenue Boosting Combo Of WiFi And Bookings Data

Customer data is the key to feeding your marketing campaigns, driving repeat visits and increasing revenue. The more data and customer insights you can get, the bigger the knock-on effect.

There are many touch points along the digital and physical customer journey that allow hospitality businesses to collect data. But two stand out above the others.

2 ways to collect customer data

One popular data source is a table booking system. The data you get from those lets you to send reminders (reduce no-shows) and special offers in advance as a way to increase sales per booking.

Another common method is using a captive portal solution to gather data through Guest WiFi. The real-time, in-venue data brings huge potential to increase spend per head, i.e. through digital upselling.

In both cases, customers can be contacted after their visit to further boost loyalty through personalised campaigns and offers. 

No doubt, those two tools are good on their own and will help you grow your database and business. But when combined, they elevate your expansion to new heights.

The combined power of WiFi and Booking Data

The crux with booking data is that you only get data from the person that made the booking.

So what happens if you have a large group booking? You’re missing out on a big bunch of data and potential future business opportunities as you have no means to contact the rest of the party.

However, if you also opt for the captive portal you can gather the data of the entire booking party, once they sign up for your WiFi. An easy way to scale up your database from just one booking

Even better, if both systems are integrated into one CRM. You can mix and match both sources to create high-converting campaigns and bring more customers back on a regular basis.

Here’re some examples of segmentation ideas using your booking and WiFi data insights. 

4 clever segmentation ideas

1) Has booked but not been at the venue (cancellation):

-> Win-back campaign with a special offer

2) Has been at the venue (WiFi) but not booked online yet (booking):

-> Welcome or early-bird booking offers 

3) Has been at venue (WiFi) and birthday coming up:

-> Special birthday party booking offer

4) Regular booker/in-venue visitor (WiFi + booking):

-> Bring your friends and get …% off

Want to scale up your marketing campaigns to achieve better results? Get in touch with our team to find out more.

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