Cate Triendl
Jul 8, 2022
3 min read
5 Common Data Integration Flaws In Hospitality Tech

The more customer data you can gather from all your digital tools, the faster and easier you can grow your business. Though, to get the most out of your data, you’d ideally want to aggregate it in one place. This might look like a simple task at first, but with many operators using various tools, data integration can quickly turn into a challenge for businesses.
There are a couple of things to keep in mind when syncing your various tools. We had a look into the 5 most common data integration issues and how you can overcome them.
5 Data Integration Flaws
1) Multiple Subscriptions
With multiple systems come multiple subscriptions. Quite often you’ll find overlapping features. Your booking system might allow you to send email reminders, and so does your CRM.
This means, you’re paying twice for the same feature but only using one.
2) Multiple Systems
If you use multiple systems, you have to find a way to make them talk to each other to ensure accessibility for everyone using the data.
For many businesses, this is still a manual task. Downloading and uploading spreadsheets is not only time-consuming but also comes with a certain security hazard.
3) GDPR Compliance
How do you ensure data security when you sync data? And how do you make sure that your customer data is always up to date in every system?
Handling data across various tools always increases the potential risk of a GDPR breach, even more so when done manually with CSV and spreadsheets downloaded to PCs and laptops.
4) Data Quality
The way data is stored on each platform differs. Take phone numbers for example. Some systems format the data as ‘0044’, others as ‘+44’. In theory, this is not the same number, so two contacts might be created for the same customer.
If you don’t spot those duplicates, the same customer will get your messages twice or possibly more. Which, of course, won’t be appreciated by your customer.
5) Internal Communication
Another issue applies to companies operating multiple venues. Your individual venues might have access to the booking data but not to the overall CRM data which is handled by your HQ.
Both entities can now work on the same customer profile, i.e. sending campaigns, without being aware of it.
This, again, increases the likelihood of duplicates being created and outdated customer profiles. And both scenarios can have a negative impact on your customer experience.
How To Overcome Data Integration Challenges
Use Automation Tools
The first step is to replace your manual data sync by integration. Automate your sync to save time and reduce errors and risk.
For this, you can use products such as Zapier to connect your systems to share customer data and automate your workflows.
Opt For An All-In-One System
An even more efficient way to overcome data integration issues is by using a multifunctional platform that removes the need for data integrations.
All staff members get access to the same data and can work from one system with a single customer view. Plus, your data stays up to date and in line with GDPR regulations.
Are you looking for the all-in-one hospitality growth solution? Get in touch with our team to learn more about the Stampede platform.