Cate Triendl
Jun 28, 2022
3 min read
3 Clever Tools That Simplify How You Measure Marketing Results
If email open rates are falling out of favour, where should you turn to measure your marketing results?
In the first part of this series, we introduced an alternative way to analyse open rates in relation to other email elements, such as sending times and subject lines.
However, there are other clever marketing tools that make your marketing results reporting more accurate and meaningful.
Linking Online Marketing With Offline Events
The major attribution problem in hospitality is linking your online marketing efforts to in-venue conversions.
Let’s take a look at 3 clever tools you can use to measure your marketing results and better understand customer behaviour.
1) Unique Voucher Codes
Is there a way to track customers that came to your venue based on promotions you’ve sent?
With unique voucher codes, you can easily link your offers to your emails. Once customers come to your venue to redeem the voucher, you can track each conversion back to your individual campaigns via the unique code.
This allows for more granular campaign reporting and you know exactly how many repeat visits and revenue you’ve generated on the back of your voucher campaign.
2) Website Pixel
Is your website converting new customers and generating bookings?
To answer this you need to install a website pixel. This is a simple line of tracking code added to a webpage. You might have done something similar with Google or Facebook.
With the pixel, you can see your customers’ interactions and behaviours across your website and on particular pages. This can tell you how many bookings you get via your website and where they came from, i.e. emails, advertising, etc.
The pixel also helps you to identify your best-performing landing pages and uncover potential areas to improve on your website. Such as including more ‘book now’ buttons.
3) UTM Tracking
How do customers behave when they read your email, do they click on the links?
For this, you have to include UTMs in your links, particular text strings that are added at the end of a website URL. Google Analytics uses those to track website visitors coming from different sources.
UTMs let you trace the full range of customer activity created on your website, from the moment they land on your website to taking a certain action such as booking a table. This is all based on one traceable source, i.e. the button on your email.
How to build a UTM:
- Campaign source – referrer, i.e. newsletter
- Campaign medium – medium, i.e. email
- Campaign name – campaign name, i.e. summer22_offer
- Campaign content – additional information, i.e. booking_button
Here’s what your URL would look like:
Tip – use this free Google tool to quickly custom-build your URLs.
Want to measure more marketing results and conversions easily? Get in touch with our team to find out more.