Cate Triendl
Feb 10, 2023
4 min read
AI Tools for Marketers: An Insider’s View

Love it or hate it, we all had some time now to form our own opinion on AI-generated content such as ChatGPT from OpenAI.
One thing is for sure, it is definitely causing one of the biggest uproars in the marketing world at the moment. You can’t escape it and it’s hard to keep up with the pace of its change.
With ‘.ai’ in our web address and a penchant for all things technology, we had to follow the hype and did some playing around with it to test it for you.
With every new thing, there’s the good, the bad and the ugly. So here’s our take on the latest craze of AI tools.
Take it with a pinch of salt
One of the great fears is that you might end up with plagiarised content. Such content could harm you in the eyes of Google (and others) in terms of search engine optimisation.
We’ve run some AI-generated content that we had written against a plagiarism checker and well, the outcome wasn’t looking good, hitting above the 90% mark. So this is something some of the platforms still need to work on.
Besides the originality of content, you also want factually correct information. There have been a good amount of examples floating around (see example below) showing incorrect output which might lead to misinformation spreading unwantedly.

Platforms have always made it clear though, that the emphasis is mostly on creativity, not on factuality. So make sure to always double-check the output and apply some common sense.
And now, the biggest question of all: will it replace the human writer?
AI is a tool, like any other we use in marketing, i.e. design tools, keyword research platforms, etc. A tool that can make our daily jobs easier, quicker and more efficient.
It’s more like your new writing assistant than a fully-fledged digital ghost author.
The tricky bit
Getting the input right is by far the most important yet most difficult bit when generating AI content.
You might not need to write the entire content yourself but you still need to figure out how to get high-quality content or the ideal structure of a piece.
So at least at the beginning, you will spend a decent amount of time on the AI tool. It’s about trying and testing different input styles to get it where you want it to be and in line with your brand voice.
Our tip: aim for simple instructions. How would you explain this to a friend?
It’s also essential to read the manual. You need to be able to speak the instruction language that the tools understand. They use different jargon to how you would ask for something naturally.
Below is a quick Jasper command example.

Make AI-generated content work for you
No doubt, there is a lot you can do with AI, especially in marketing where we spend much of our time producing new content.
Here are 10 quick ways AI tools can take some workload off you:
- Brainstorm on certain topics/keywords
- Generate subject/headlines
- Create and improve headlines for ads
- Produce long-form content, like blog articles
- Get instant social media posts
- Produce SEO-relevant content
- Create sales emails & workflows
- Do keyword research
- Optimise FAQs
- Summarise content into bullet points
The Takeaway
It’s fair to say that AI is at a starting point. With time those tools will learn and improve and ultimately get better.
Savvy marketers will figure out pretty soon how to leverage it to their full advantage. And sooner or later, AI will probably become a part of our tech stack.
Stay tuned for part two of this series to find out more about how ChatGPT and Jasper, two of the most used tools compare.