Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Apr 26, 2021

2 min read

How SMS Marketing Drives 10x More Revenue Than Email

How SMS Marketing Drives 10x More Revenue Than Email

Reach and retain your customers on the go with SMS Marketing.

SMS Marketing is a much underrated channel (certainly in the hospitality industry) with huge potential that offers a clever way to cut through the noise. 

It’s a quick and simple way to reach your customers on the go. Fact is, over 97% of text messages are read within the first 15 minutes. Emails, on the other hand, might sit in the inbox for a good while.

Why Use SMS Marketing?

Many people go with either email marketing or SMS marketing, but using both in tandem will allow you to reach and retain more customers.


  • Reach customers where they are – on their mobiles
  • 98% open rate vs. just 20% for email
  • Quick set up (short text length, no images)
  • Immediate delivery
  • Ideal for sending quick business status alerts – opening hours, delivery, etc.
  • Interactive – “hit reply”
  • Use it as a customer service platform

SMS Marketing Tips

One marketing formula applies quite well here: KISS – keep it short and simple. Text messages usually come with a character limit of around 160.

Quick tips before launching your first campaign:

  • Always include a call-to-action
  • Make it interactive
  • Consider timing – avoid early morning & late evening
  • Use a fun & friendly tone
  • Offer a clear opt-out option – e.g. reply ‘STOP’
  • Include short URLs to drive people to website
  • Don’t send too many texts too often

SMS Marketing Ideas

If you think about it, nearly every topic you’re using for your email marketing can be applied to SMS. The only difference, you have to keep it short.

Inspiration for your next campaign:

  • Last-minute & limited offers
  • Customer poll (reply: 1 for, 2 for …)
  • Competitions – text … to win
  • Upcoming events
  • Reminders – combine email & SMS
  • Ask for feedback

Last Words of Advice

Be aware though, not all text messages you send will be appreciated by your customers. Always get permission to use your customers’ phone numbers!

What’s Next?

Ready to send text messages to your customers? Reach out to our team and we will get you set up with your SMS Marketing tool.

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