Chris Wilkie

Aug 5, 2019


2 min read

Vertical: The Future of Video Content for Digital Marketing

Vertical: The Future of Video Content for Digital Marketing

We are witnessing a video revolution. The traditional 16:9 landscape format can move aside, (outside of TV and movies). The new 9:16 vertical format is here to replace it on your mobile device. 

This format is rapidly becoming the standard for video creation and consumption. And why, might you ask? The answer is mobile phones. While they are constantly developing and improving, they are designed to work in portrait. So much so, that mobile phone users hold their phone vertically 94% of the time.

With social media platforms such as Instagram becoming increasingly popular for digital marketing, vertical is soon going to be the way to advertise. Stories are growing at an incredible rate and are estimated to be growing 15 times faster than the feed – and to be far more powerful when it comes to persuasion.

Why is Vertical the future of video?

With the increasing dominance of mobile phones, which experts predict will generate 95% of mobile traffic by 2023, compared to today’s 85%, and the 9:16 format, it was only natural for them to become a great marketing tool. Furthermore, stories were made to fit with our bodies. They are here to tell personal stories and share moments that resonate with those watching. Marketing is, in essence, a form of storytelling. So, with videos being such an important marketing tool, and the videos evolving into the vertical format, it doesn’t take much to see why they are the future.

Businesses are being more aware of how society uses their mobile phones. And this why at Stampede we now offer vertical video services in the form of stories.

We use our phones to scroll through all forms of social media. Having to turn it on its side to watch a video, seems like too much effort. We live in an era of comfort, were people are naturally lazy. More people will watch a video if it is in a vertical format. Put into numbers, 65% of consumers consider companies and brands who use vertical video formats “more innovative” and 79% of new consumers prefer this format. If you are a new company or brand, those new consumers are really the area you want to target. Also, they are a large share of the general viewers.

Where to go next?

For many digital marketing gurus, Instagram is considered the holy grail. With such high numbers of people on the platform, it opens the door to hundreds of new customers. According to leading social media authorities, such as Zuckerberg and Chris Cox, Facebook’s Chief Product Officer, the future of sharing news, information and other things is Stories, which are in Vertical format, which, by the rules of logic, makes vertical videos the future of digital marketing. So, adding Stories to your WiFi service is a great way to get yourself noticed, promote yourself to new customers and expand your brand name. 

Get in touch with us to discover how WiFi Stories can help your business.



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