Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Feb 6, 2018

2 min read

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

The Internet is a great place, full of valuable information, shared experiences and cute animal videos

In 2018, more than 4 billion people are expected to make use of mankind’s greatest invention. Keeping this number in mind, the problems that can arise are obvious. The anonymity we all have on the Internet often times results in people behaving rudely and sharing their (sometimes very questionable) view on things. It’s easy to see why opinions clash with so many strange people meeting each other online.

In order to inspire a conversation about safety and respect online, especially for children and young people, today we’re celebrating Safer Internet Day!

The Internet is a free place, which means it can be wonderful and fascinating place, but it also means that it’s easy to encounter content that is sometimes not suitable for children and youngsters.

Create, Connect & Share Respect

It’s a fact- children need to try everything- just think of the hand on the stove, a real classic. Their natural curiosity helps them to understand the world and make sense of their environment, but it can be dangerous, especially when we think about exploring the internet. The most basic example are videos from battle zones that we see in the news everyday (and this is still a rather mild example). The web reflects our human nature and, to be honest, it’s not always pretty. Guns, drugs and pornography (not even mentioning Trump’s hair here) is nothing a child should be able to find easily on the world wide web. If you don’t believe me what a weird place the internet can be, simply click here.

Protecting youngsters from cruel and unsuitable content is only one aspect of the Safer Internet Approach. The other major topic that Safer Internet Day touches on is the way people communicate with each other and behave while online. I’m sure you’ve encountered rude comments on YouTube or people insulting each other in a forum. One of the factors that enhance the questionable way some people treat each other is the anonymity we have on the Internet. Let’s take the Safer Internet Day as a reminder to act as role-models in the way we treat each other online (and even offline) and make the Internet even more beautiful.

Stampede supports Safer Internet Day and the idea of making the Internet a safer environment for children. That’s why one of the amazing security features we offer is the web filter that helps businesses to be sure everyone can use Guest Wifi in the venue without having to worry about what might pop up on their browser. Let’s make sure we all create, connect & share respect.

If you want to learn more about how a proper Guest WiFi can help businesses to grow, click the button below and find out.

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