Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Jan 30, 2017

2 min read

How to boost sales with Smart WiFi in your business – Part 2

How to boost sales with Smart WiFi in your business – Part 2

Love it or loathe it, we live in times where mobile devices are everywhere. 

In our previous blog, we offered up some great tips for using Smart WiFi to give your customers a great WiFi experience while visiting your business and at the same time boost your bottom line. Whether you are a café, pub, bar or restaurant, offering free WiFi gives you a competitive edge by providing fast and reliable internet access to your customers for social networking, checking emails, online shopping, and surfing the internet at all times. This can have a direct influence on building customer loyalty, resulting in increased sales.

So, here are another three reasons why offering free Guest WiFi to your customers can help your business.

Customers will spend more time

One of the biggest advantages of offering free WiFi to customers is a no-brainer, Stampede  Phone Pubincreased time spent in your store. WiFi access helps customers stay productive and connected, giving them no reason to rush the shopping process. According to Business Insider, more than 62% of businesses reported that customers spend more time on their premise when WiFi is offered. Instead of examining the scenario as customers simply hanging around, consider using the opportunity to engage new customers and discover their needs.

Increased foot traffic

The fastest way to drive foot traffic is putting up a sign that brings awareness of free WiFi. This allows your business to attract new customers while enticing existing customers to come back. In addition to visual recognition, most consumers use apps like Yelp! and Google Maps to find businesses, selecting venues that offer amenities like free WiFi.

Mobile Marketing

Stampede’s WiFi solution allows you to promote your business before customers even sign in on their smart devices. You can customise the landing page to attract customers and share special offers. Typically, there is an opportunity to brand your network with a creative, custom name, like “Bob’s Awsome Bar – Enjoy Free WiFi.” Additionally, in the age of social media influencers, customers can do marketing for you through social networking. By allowing customers to “check in” at your business, they can spread the word about your business in real time.

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