Cate Triendl
Feb 22, 2017
1 min read
How Important Is Mobile Marketing?
Have you ever heard this one?
There is a famous marketing phrase, which goes along the lines of “the one marketing strategy that can’t miss, is to market to your best customers first!”
The traditional Guest WiFi journey for bars, cafés, and restaurants is that your customer walks in, uses the WiFi and walks out, never leaving a trace. Are you missing the chance to market to your best customers first?
Hospitality businesses that do not offer free customer Wi-Fi are losing competitive
edge to these ones that do. Smartphones are by themselves reaching 50% of all time digital media time spent, and the time is used not only for web browsing, but also social interactions, research, and even purchases.
With Stampede, Smart Social WiFi, not only can you market your business to customers, when your guests are taken to your Facebook page, they are promoting your business to their friends, without you having to do anything.
People use their phones all the time. Look around any cafe, restaurant or bar and it’s easy to find multiple people looking at their smartphones. Why not use that to your business’s advantage and market to your best customers with loyalty programs, special offers or discounts, while your customers are on-premise?
With Stampede You can market to your best customers first and they, in turn, can help promote your business. It is a smart decision and when the money is flowing you’ll know you’ve made the right WiFi and marketing decisions.