Cate Triendl
Sep 21, 2017
3 min read
Getting Started with WiFi Data Capture in Stampede
Data is a good thing. Here at Stampede we like data. As a business owner, you should like data, too. But how can you get more data? And what’s the link between data capture and your WiFi?
We know you’re probably busy running your business and don’t have much time getting your head around complicated data capture and marketing related stuff. Which is precisely why we made it so easy for you to capture all sorts of interesting marketing data about your customers. And the best part, no IT or marketing knowledge required. So better get started now.
Start With Your Data Capture
First things first. What kind of data do you want to capture? Well, there’s the normal “boring” marketing stuff like names, ages, gender, postcode and so on. Sure, that’s all useful, but the really cool part in Stampede is the ability to write your own custom questions. Sounds amazing, it is!
So, what else could you ask for then? Well, whatever question you can dream of, you can ask it on your splash-screen for users to answer. So, what is your favourite drink? Are you more a g&t fan or do you rather prefer a traditional pint? The sky is the limit or in this case, the data captured is.
Good to know. The splash-screen appears instead of the usual type in your (way-too-long) password on the wall. That way you can also brand the splash-screen to give it clear brand recognition.
What good does that do? (Sure sure have a lot of questions, but we don’t mind)
Well, for example, this is a great way to run a quick survey. Thinking about getting the latest hipster IPA on tap? Write up a quick question in Stampede to see what your customers think (It’s ok if you don’t like IPAs. Or hipsters. We’re for beer equality here at Stampede.)
There Is More to Discover
What else can you do with your shiny new data? How about building up an email marketing list so you can send out a monthly newsletter or a coupon for your latest signature dish? You can also send out special offers to customers whose birthday is coming up, or for those who have not been at your venue for a while. All this contributes to overall better customer experience and of course to more loyal customers. Who says no to that?
And of course, don’t forget the data analytics. Sounds a bit terrifying, too many numbers and figure? That’s why our dashboard gives you an easy to understand overview of all your data, presented in a nice way. From that, you’ll get a better understanding about dwell times, repeat customers, the average time spent at your venue etc.
Got curious? Want to see more?
Here’s a short video showing you how you can get up and running quickly with WiFi data capture in Stampede.
Easier than you thought, wasn’t it? So what are you waiting for? Why not try it out?
Have any further questions? Want to get started right away and capture more data?
Click here to get started.
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