Cate Triendl
Jan 12, 2018
4 min read

For more than 50 years the world has been flocking to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to get a peek at the latest breakthrough technologies. The CES was the place to launch the computer mouse, CD players, smart homes and 3D printers. Since its first show in 1967, more than 700.000 products have presented at the CES.
In case you didn’t have the chance to follow the show and were relying on Stampede to bring you the latest trends – we got you covered! From amazing inventions like the WiFi-enabled self-cleaning litter box for cats to the latest brewing devices that enable you to create your own beer in 10-14 days, we’ll take a look at the latest WiFi trends around the world.
WPA3 Protocol
There has been a lot of ongoing discussion about the security flaws in the currently used WPA2 security control after the discovery of the KRACK breach back in October. At CES 2018, the WiFi-Alliance announced a new and more secure WiFi Protected Access security protocol. Added improvements will expulse anyone who tries to snoop around the sensitive data that is constantly exchanged between devices and access points on wireless networks. Unlike WPA2, WPA3 will now block authentication after a set number of failed login attempts. The new protocol is expected to arrive at the beginning of 2018 and we hope manufacturers hurry up to supply us with the suitable hardware for it soon.
Let’s connect
One of the most exciting topics this year was the Internet of Things, an expression as general as the use that we can get from it. Everything is now connected to the internet, exchanging and collecting data to connect our devices, homes, cars and lives. At the CES, we had the first opportunity to look at smart cities, which are fully connected and probably know more about our behaviours and routines than we do ourselves. These smart cities connect absolutely everything, from your cat’s smart necklace to a self-steering car. Another emerging technology that was discussed during the event was the Internet of Life Saving Things (IoLST), which is focused on using connected technologies and captured data to save valuable seconds and lives in case of emergency. For example, a smart watch could detect a heart attack and immediately call an ambulance – not bad for a device that was once used to just tell time!
Autobots, roll out!
There was a lot of buzz in Las Vegas this week about the latest developments in the automotive sector. All the big players found their way to the CES this year (so at least they’ve got the navigation systems down right). The trend continues with vehicle technologies taking away most responsibilities from human drivers and focus on safety by connectivity. This is a great mobility enhancement for seniors and disabled people who can’t otherwise get around. The coolest thing we saw? How about steering a car with nothing but human brain signals (which could be a good or bad thing, depending on the level of intelligence of the person behind the wheel).
Health is Wealth
An immense amount of smart devices at CES were aimed at becoming your own personal trainer. We saw sleep tracking devices that learn your sleep routine and help you to get the most out of the best time of the day and smart tracking tattoos, as thin as a sheet of paper, that inform you about heart rate or stress levels. Another fascinating innovation was Pulse, a non-drug pain relief device that works with pulsed electromagnetic frequency to decrease pain at a cellular level. Pretty impressive!
Another year, another step forward
As with every year, the world was waiting with baited breath to see what the big players in the field of consumer tech had to offer at CES. Sure, there was some cool stuff, but we have to say, there were less weird devices than expected- what a disappointment.
The crucial role of connectivity on this year’s CES was unmatched and we hope you can take away some inspiration about what smart homes, lifesaving watches and smart tattoos can do for you. So, if your new year’s resolution for your business is to take it to that next level, we’re happy to help you out you around and introduce you to a little helper that can make a big difference to both you and your customers. Simply hit the button below!