Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Dec 13, 2016

1 min read

Intelligent WiFi Can Deliver Digital Transformation To Town Centres

Intelligent WiFi Can Deliver Digital Transformation To Town Centres

The successful digital transformation of town centres can create a vibrant high street at the heart of the community – a source of pride for all involved.

There are many rural towns, keen to re-energize and regenerate the town center and outlying neighborhoods, but the sad truth is that this is being hindered by very poor broadband accessibility.

Without reliable, superfast broadband, local businesses can’t function and grow. Unsurprisingly, locals choose to shop elsewhere in bigger towns, the community is slow to interact with the outside world and tourists drive by.

It is increasingly difficult for smaller, rural towns to maintain a community spirit and many town communities are repeatedly let down by broken promises from big broadband providers.

Stampede Town Center WiFi

The tide, however, is beginning to turn and more and more town communities are deciding to take matters into their own hands to find an alternative solution.

There is an increasing number of grass-root, Community Partnership projects, finding ways to install superfast broadband and leap into the 21st century. Typically, these projects are supported by both, local business owners and Councils, along with external support and expert guidance. The beauty of the solution is the inbuilt sustainability of the project. As more users join, investment costs are shared, the law of diminishing returns comes into play and profitability for every business involved increases.

Through the installation of superfast broadband, communities are provided with full interactivity throughout the town. Additionally, town centres can create a free digital e-Stampede Newquaycommerce portal and deploy a free public Wi-Fi zone. The quality of life for those living, working and visiting the town combined with the economic boost to local business  will re-energise the town centre.

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