Cate Triendl

Cate Triendl

Mar 31, 2018

3 min read

Stampede-ST, the world’s first Smart WiFi Toilet

Stampede-ST, the world’s first Smart WiFi Toilet

We live in hectic times. Rushing from one appointment to the next, we often forget to take time for ourselves. Remembering to send that vital document to your manager is often times considered more important than finding time for yourself, relaxing and reflecting. In order to give you the refuge you deserve, we are proud to introduce a new product of the constantly growing Stampede family.

Countless months of preparation, dozens of brainstorming sessions and practical tests were necessary to combine design, bold functionality and visionary genius. Today, we are happy to introduce you to a product that challenges the status-quo with the vision to boost creativity through relaxation.

Let Stampede present you to your personal monastery of silence, your palace of inspiration, the throne you deserve to overlook the world’s chaos:

The first of its kind, the StampedeST impresses with flawless design and cutting-edge technology. The ST is an intelligent change assistant, aiming at revolutionizing offices and businesses around the world by democratizing data.

Using the toilet has been a taboo for too long and Stampede is here to give employees the confidence back to feel comfortable at the office. Harmful banter and office gossip often leave employees frustrated and afraid to use the bathroom. The times of doubt and guilt are over.

Analytics & Insights

Gather relevant information on bathroom users. Identify dwell times, gender and frequency and drill down the collected data and calculate the average time spent on the toilet. These insights let you understand employees’ behaviour and give great indications for future changes. Collected data can be accessed through our real-time dashboard, so you will never miss a pit stop.

Marketing Automation

With the collected data, behaviour- triggered campaigns can be set up within minutes. Campaigns are a great tool to establish trust and foster loyalty with employees.

“Hello Doug, you haven’t visited the toilet today. Is something wrong?”

Depending on the employee’s behaviour, the campaign content should vary. This approach guarantees the recipient is addressed personally. This makes it more likely for employees to feel ‘at home’ or comfortable, as someone cares about them.

“Susan, your last visit was… excessive. Perhaps you should see a doctor? Book now:”

Benefits for your Company

Giving employees a silent place entails many benefits for the company. Besides an improved and more relaxed working environment, the enterprise benefits from the Stampede-ST in countless ways. As scientifically proven, higher creativity and productivity levels usually follow immediately after the installation of the smart ST WiFi toilet. Therefore, a clear connection between the use of the ST and the company output, and therefore revenue, can be drawn.

Don’t let this topic be taboo any longer, we are here to support a change in the right direction and give your employees the throne they deserve.

If your business or office is ready for a true movement forward with Stampede, feel free to get in touch with us and learn more about the unlimited possibilities the Stampede-ST offers.

Click here to get started.



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